"What's for lunch?"

Outside of a free meal, the "company lunch" is a great forum for discussing any number of things. My personal favorite... Workflow. Consider this. At what other time during the…

"How do I MAKE them use the system?"

No doubt, at some point in the traffic process, you've encountered resistance from employees. Their hesitance to use "the system" could stem from any number of sources -- time, perceived…

The proof is in the stamp.

The proof-stamp, that is. Ideally, a project originates with a member of the account service team. He (or she) enters meeting notes into a Client Contact Report. This Report resides…

"How can I help our Traffic Manager?"

In order for a Traffic Manager to be successful, he (or she) must be the focal point of all work flowing through the agency. There must also be strong support…

Please raise your right hand...

... and repeat after me. "I pledge allegiance to my time sheet, and to the satisfied Traffic Manager in which it stands, one web-based agency system, under deadline, with workflow…

"Yes, Christopher, the world IS flat."

Ok, maybe not in the literal sense, but figuratively. It’s shrinking, too. In his 2004 bestseller, "The World is Flat," Thomas Friedman explores the convergence of technology and events that…

"We need a system."

If I had a nickel for every time I've heard those words I'd, well, I wouldn't be writing this blog. I'd be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or sipping green tea in…

You CAN take it with you.

The system I use each day to document my customers’ questions, record my time, submit project-related expenses, and get a quick feel for what’s moving through the IT Department, is…

"To bill or not to bill? That is the question."

The primary goal of the Traffic Department is to increase agency efficiency. Its Manager must effectively monitor jobs, improve communication and ensure workflow consistency. As Sandra Claudio, former Traffic Manager…

"Baby, it’s cold outside."

My office is about 12 degrees “warm” this afternoon. The sun is shining outside the window, but don’t be fooled. The winds are chilly. I believe winter has arrived; fall…

Size does matter.

I’m currently in Orlando, FL at the 2008 CREATE Chaos Conference and Expo. Our company, Developware, is exhibiting CurrentTrack. The folks at Brahn Communications have done an exceptional job with…

What makes the world go ‘round?

Cake. Yep, cake. Let’s think about this for a minute. Before you were even born, chances are someone organized a baby shower and served cake. On your first birthday, and…