Wunderlist is “Wunderful.”

I’m an organized person. [For those who know me well, that’s an understatement if ever there were one.] For some time, I searched for the perfect “to do list” app for my iPhone. I wanted a clean, easy-to-use app that could be updated via my desktop and sync’d to both my iPhone and iPad. I’d nearly given up when a friend introduced me to Wunderlist.

While the project management system we use, CurrentTrack, makes it easy to include Tasks on a Personal To List, there are school- and other family-related items that I prefer to manage separately.

Wunderlist enables to me to quickly create lists (e.g. School, Store, Home Improvement, Bible Study, etc.) that I can update within seconds. No more paper grocery lists or Post-it notes on the steering wheel. I enter everything in Wunderlist and simply reference my phone while on the go.

If you’re looking for a great “to do list” app, give Wunderlist a “Wunce-over.” Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

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