What’s on tap for CurrentTrack?

As alluded to in my last blog post, we are currently in the development phase of an ambitious redesign of our project management systemCurrentTrack®.

Our plan is to emphasize the strengths of CurrentTrack while modernizing the overall look of system. The result will be a more intuitive CurrentTrack.

Here’s what we have planned to roll out this summer:

1.) Fully Updated User Interface – Will take advantage of popular interface metaphors to present data in a familiar way

2.) Job One Sheet – Will display latest project information in a clean and accessible “one sheet” view, including documents, assets, a portion of the Workback Schedule, budget vs. actual details, and new commenting features

3.) Commenting System – Will allow team members to make short comments on activities in the system, and projects as a whole, without having to file a Progress Report; design inspired by short form communication conventions popularized by social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)

4.) Activity Stream – Will display latest actions and comments associated with projects, in real-time

5.) Enhanced Profile System – Will include profile pictures, adding richer graphics and context to CurrentTrack

6.) New Task Alerts

7.) Quick Add – Will enable team members to create new documents, and access common actions, no matter where they are in the system

8.) Remains true to classic CurrentTrack hierarchy and conventions while making project and expense information more logically accessible

Look to this space for more details including screenshots in the coming months!

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