Traffic Managers: Half Human, Half Machine.

An excellent Traffic Manager can’t exist without an excellent traffic management system. And an excellent traffic management system doesn’t work without an excellent Traffic Manager. The two must go hand-in-hand.

The Traffic System

Process, process, process! Keeping everyone on the same page means, in part, employing a robust, online traffic management system. Digitizing traffic management simplifies processes, streamlines communication between departments and organizes all important information in one user-friendly place. To maximize efficiency, employees need access to all the reference materials, contact reports, progress reports and assets that are vital to their jobs. Tracking down these materials and letting questions go unanswered wastes company time and frustrates employees. And it should go without saying that a reliable traffic management system is vital for employees who work remotely or businesses that exist in the cloud.

However, a workflow tool is only as good as the person who wields it. Without proper instruction and someone to “herd the cats,” even the best traffic management systems will be under-utilized and improperly maintained.

The Traffic Manager

Enter the Traffic Manager: cheerleader of process, head coach of productivity. The Traffic Manager teaches proper process to employees. They make sure that process is followed. They are instrumental in making sure everyone has what they need to do their jobs and that projects move forward on time.

But, without a fully-featured traffic management system, the burden is placed fully on the Traffic Manager. A system like CurrentTrack, for example, shares the load with the Traffic Manager and cuts down on paper trails and leg work.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Traffic Managers need traffic management systems, and traffic management systems needs Traffic Managers. The Traffic Manager is the face of the workflow, and the system is the nuts and bolts. Together, they’re an unstoppable force that can push the needle and keep employees on-track.

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