The primary responsibility of the agency Fulfillment Specialist (FS) is to ensure the timely and accurate delivery of client and agency promotional items.
Internally, s/he collaborates with the Creative Director (CD), Production Manager (PM)/ (PB) and Office Manager (OM), as well as the traffic department.
The FS reports directly to the PM/PB.
• Attends daily (or weekly) production meeting (as requested)
• Checks initial input for accuracy and requests additional information (if needed)
• Alerts PM/PB and Traffic Manager (TM) if deadlines cannot be met
• Helps to obtain best possible delivery dates for promotional items
• Assists OM, TM in obtaining supplies (e.g. ink, packaging materials, postage)
• Interacts closely with PM/PB regarding specially packaged orders and allocated inventory
• Is proactive and self-directed in all order fulfillment functions
• Alerts PM/PB of any problems related to promotional item quality
• Demonstrates sound judgment in resolving fulfillment issues (e.g. returns)
• Adheres to company dress code policy
• Submits a daily Time Sheet detailing work execution