Workflow and the Creative Department
In addition to relying on the agency's web-based project management system for a real-time to do list, there are several things creatives can do to help ensure work doesn't fall through the cracks.
In addition to relying on the agency's web-based project management system for a real-time to do list, there are several things creatives can do to help ensure work doesn't fall through the cracks.
Regardless of which web-based workflow management system your agency is currently using — I'd be remiss if I didn't include a shameless plug for CurrentTrack® here — there are a…
You need all employees to be compliant with workflow system use. But, as we know, it’s not always easy to make people do things they don’t want to do.
Change is difficult for most people. If you’ve been trying to establish a traffic management position or integrate ad agency software in your office, you may be fighting an uphill…
Lisa Schardein, guest blogger I’m about to celebrate 20 years at Current360 and we have come a long way from where we were when I first came on board. We used…
Where did 2014 go? If you’re like me, you made a list of resolutions, at the end of last year, that you fully intended to stick with throughout 2015. It’s…
Change is hard. I’ll be the first to admit it. For weeks, months, even years, you grow accustomed to a certain way of doing things, whether at home or work,…
It’s 2014. Has your agency resolved to “get organized” and do things differently this year? A critical step when organizing your agency is implementing a project management system. It should be user-friendly…
When searching for a workflow management system, be it web-based or hosted, two objectives should be considered -- It should accommodate and foster growth within your agency, and make information available,…
The primary responsibility of the Chief Operations Officer (COO) is the day-to-day oversight of agency processes. S(he) typically reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and works closely with…