An employee evaluation is an important tool for gauging performance within the agency. Typically, the employee’s direct supervisor (or a more senior manager) is responsible for evaluating an individual. The process itself generally contains some form of assessment (i.e. how well the employee is doing), review of employee goals (i.e. performance improvement plan), peer feedback, and discussion of promotional opportunities (e.g. pay raises).
Employee evaluations can be done after an initial 30-day probationary period, for example, or at the end of each year. I personally recommend evaluating employees at least twice yearly — mid-way and at the end.
A quick Google search for “employee evaluation forms” yields nearly 7 million results. It’s important to create a form, and schedule, that best suits your agency’s needs. Below are a few things to consider when creating your own employee evaluation process.
One week before the employee’s evaluation, share the following list of questions with him/her. S(he) should be prepared to discuss each question; written responses optional.
What contribution do you feel you’ve made to [AGENCY NAME]?
What level of support do you feel you received from your supervisor and other team members?
What level of support do you feel you needed?
What services could be provided to help you be more successful in your position (i.e. training, hardware/software, etc.)?
What are your goals with regard to [AGENCY NAME]?
What are your personal long-term career goals?
As a supervisor, consider the following areas when evaluating an employee:
Knowledge of required skills
Acceptance & implementation of suggestions
Quality of work
Amount of work performed
Work habits
Attitude & cooperation
Personal appearance
The following Classified Employee Evaluation form, is one that I’ve personally found helpful; click here.