A breath of fresh air.

I recently attended Second Wind Network’s “Agency Operations” seminar in downtown Chicago, IL.

The Network, founded by former agency owner Tony Mikes (based in the quaint little town of Reading, PA), is an incredible resource for smaller to mid-size agencies, design shops and other industry-related businesses. It offers a wide variety of services ranging from members-only Forums to webinars and custom surveys. Not to mention a plethora of reputable Strategic Partners.

Unlike many of the seminars I’ve attended, those of Second Wind always have a more personal, open-forum feel. Attendees actually leave the room at breaks smiling. They chat with one another, swap contact information, have lunch in groups, and all-around enjoy hearing Tony’s lectures.

What a breath of fresh air in today’s every-increasingly “impersonal” world!

Interested in attending an upcoming seminar? Click here to learn more.

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