“Go straighten up your room!”

We’re taught, from a very young age, to be organized. For some, the lessons are reflected well into adulthood. For others, well, “Where did I put my next thought?”

Oh, yeah.

My youngest son wrapped up his first ever soccer season, last month.

At age four, he was taught the rules of the game, how to be a part of the team and to move the ball toward the goal. [Unfortunately, on several occasions, that translated into whichever goal was the closest.]

When my eldest son entered second grade, he was handed a planner. At the end of each class, he was instructed to jot down homework, upcoming tests, events, etc. in the appropriate calendar boxes. He was told to have mom or dad initial each day, once the work was done, and then turn in the planner the next morning for teacher review. He was six years old.

The fundamental skills we learn as children – organization, consistency, planning, honesty – play a critical role within the agency (and other business environments), not to mention our lives outside of the office.

I’m guessing, as a Traffic Manager, you have a finely-tuned system in place for managing the wealth of information that crosses your path each and every day. [If not, I strongly recommend researching web-based project management software.]

Keeping the system you use in mind, think about how you can help other team members “get organized.” Do they log in regularly to check the status of projects? Are they aware of the “big picture” reports available to them? Do you touch base with them each morning to discuss, “what’s hot and what’s not?” Do you help them efficiently plan the work day (e.g. meetings, materials needed, etc.)?

In terms of the physical work environment, do team members have In/Out baskets on their desks so you can quickly drop off (and pick up) materials? Do they have the supplies they need to do their jobs well (e.g. up-to-date software, a comfy chair, proper lighting, etc.)?

A well-organized, and inviting, work environment will do wonders for team productivity. As the Traffic Manager, you’re in an empowered position to share your incredible talent to motivate, organize and plan.

Now, go straighten up your room!

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