Time Sheet
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Employees should fill out Time Sheets for each workday. This helps to ensure time is billed, and meaningful information about actual vs. budgeted costs is accessible so jobs can be efficiently managed. Since most Employees don’t really care about that, it should be impressed upon them that by completing Time Sheets they’ll get paid.
Time may be entered in CurrentTrack® in three ways – via an Employee’s Assigned Task List, from within the Time & Expenses folder and via any clock icon located throughout the system.
To record time via the Time & Expenses folder, go to Time & Expenses – Edit Time Sheet – [select] Date.
It’s best to fill out your Time Sheet as the day goes on, so you don’t lose track of small Tasks and get to the end of the day saying to yourself, “I was here for eight hours. I had to have done more than an hour of work.” Select the Job Number from the drop-down menu, select a Work Code and enter a brief Description of what you did, along with the amount of time spent on that work (i.e. Hours).
TIP: The Job Number drop-down menu is content sensitive. Enter as many job Title keywords as possible to narrow down the list more quickly and eliminate unnecessary scrolling.
By default, time is measured in 15-minute increments (i.e. 15 minutes = .25 Hours, 45 minutes = .75 Hours). If your agency would like to enter time in an increment other than .15 minutes, edit the Rounding Preference, within Site Branding. Remember, All Employees must log out and back into CurrentTrack once the Rounding Preference has been modified.
TIP: Only a decimal point may be used in the Hours field (e.g. .25). Using a colon (e.g. :25) will result in an error message.
Indicate when you began and finished a Task in the optional Time Memo field (e.g. 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.).
To ensure your entries are recorded as you work through the day, be sure to click Submit after new line items have been added. When your Time Sheet is complete for the day, click Complete Time Sheet. It won’t register as Complete until you click the button, which means that the next day, at 12 noon, you’ll get a reminder that yesterday’s Time Sheet is Overdue and won’t be able to move elsewhere in the system. To change the alarm time, go to Admin — System Administration — Site Branding. Select the desired hour from the Overdue Time Sheet Alarm drop-down menu; click Submit. This will become the new default for all Employees.
Although you’ve clicked Complete Time Sheet, you may still edit a Sheet up until 12 midnight of the same day. After that, you can’t edit it without your System Administrator either re-opening it or making the change(s) for you.
To edit an open Time Sheet, go to Time & Expenses – Edit Time Sheet – [select] Date.
Never use your browser’s Back button to edit your Time Sheet or in any other CurrentTrack application. By going Back and hitting Submit again, you’re creating duplicate line entries. This is also the case when you hit the Submit button more than once on the same screen. Should you ever need to delete a duplicate line, simply Edit your Time Sheet and check the box to the left of the line(s) you want to remove. Within the Marked Row Options drop-down menu, select Delete Marked Rows; click Submit.
To edit an Employee’s Time Sheet, on his/her behalf, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets – Edit Employee’s Time Sheet. Choose the Employee from the drop-down menu and enter the Date you’d like to modify. Once you click Submit, you’ll be directed to the edit screen of the Sheet. Make any necessary changes and click Submit; click Complete Time Sheet. Unlike when an Employee enters his/her own time, CurrentTrack will allow you, as a user with Permission, to submit a Time Sheet containing a Sleeping job. Simply confirm that your billing records are accurate.
To view your own Completed Time Sheet, go to Time & Expenses – View Completed Time Sheet – [select] Date. To view its Printer Friendly version, click the printer icon at the top of the screen. Each listed Job in the Sheet is a hotlink to its Financial Report.
To make an Employee Exempt from completing Time Sheets on a daily basis, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Edit Employees.
Choose the Employee from the Full Name column by clicking on his/her Name. Under Preferences, check the box beside Time Sheet Exempt; click Submit. The Time Sheet Exempt feature only stops the automatic creation of Time Sheets for the Employee. S(he) can still complete a Time Sheet on the actual day of work, but won’t be reminded of any untouched, blank Sheets for previous days.
If an Exempt Employee enters a line item in his/her Sheet and forgets to mark it Complete, an Overdue reminder will still be sent at noon on the following day (or at the alternate Alarm hour you’ve indicated within Site Branding).
Should you need to create a weekend or holiday Time Sheet – or one for an Exempt Employee who has billable time to record for a day other than today – and you have Permission, simply Manage Time Sheets.
To create a Blank Time Sheet, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets.
Choose an Employee from the drop-down menu and enter the Date(s) for which you’d like to create a Sheet(s). When you click Submit, CurrentTrack will add the Sheet(s) to the Employee’s Date drop-down menu, in the Time & Expenses folder. If the newly created Time Sheet(s) falls 24-hours or more before today’s date, s(he) will receive an Overdue Time Sheet reminder and be required to Complete it before moving elsewhere in CurrentTrack.
To re-open a Completed Time Sheet, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets.
Choose an Employee from the drop-down menu and enter the Date(s) you’d like to re-open. When you click Submit, CurrentTrack will add the Sheet(s) to the Employee’s Date drop-down menu, in the Time & Expenses folder. If the newly created Time Sheet(s) falls 24-hours or more before today’s date, s(he) will receive an Overdue Time Sheet reminder and be required to Complete it before moving elsewhere in CurrentTrack.
To move time to a different job, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets – Edit Employee’s Time Sheet.
Choose the Employee from the drop-down menu and enter the Date you’d like to modify. Once you click Submit, you’ll be directed to the edit screen of the Sheet. Overwrite the number that appears in the Job field by selecting a new job from the drop-down menu; click Submit.
TIP: The Job Number drop-down menu is content sensitive. Enter as many job Title keywords as possible to narrow down the list more quickly and eliminate unnecessary scrolling.
Unlike when an Employee enters his/her own time, CurrentTrack will allow you, as a user with Permission, to submit a Time Sheet containing a Sleeping job. Simply confirm that your billing records are accurate.
To move time to a different date, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets – Edit Employee’s Time Sheet.
Choose the Employee from the drop-down menu and enter the Date you’d like to modify. Once you click Submit, you’ll be directed to the edit screen of the Sheet. Check the box(es) to the left of the line(s) you want to move. Within the Marked Row Options drop-down menu, select Move Marked Rows to Another Date; click Submit.
Time can also be copied from one Date to another by checking the box(es) to the left of the desired line item(s) and choosing Copy Marked Rows to Another Date, within the Marked Row Options drop-down menu; click Submit.
To delete your own Time Sheet, go to Time & Expenses – Edit Time Sheet – [select] Date – Submit.
Check the box(es) to the left of the line(s) you want to remove. Within the Marked Row Options drop-down menu, select Delete Marked Rows; click Submit. If you’ve not yet entered any time in the Sheet, you need only to check the box to the left of the first line item; click Submit.
To delete an Employee’s Time Sheet, on his/her behalf, go to Admin – Agency Administration – Manage Time Sheets.
Choose the Employee from the drop-down menu and select the Date you’d like to delete. Once you click Submit, you’ll be directed to the edit screen of the Time Sheet. If the Employee has not entered any time in the Sheet, check the box to the left of the first line item. If s(he) has entered time in the Sheet, check the boxes to the left of all line items that contain data.
Within the Marked Row Options drop-down menu, select Delete Marked Rows; click Submit.
Employee Time Sheet information can be sorted in a number of different ways by those with Permission. Reports include, but are not limited to, the Time Summary, Agency Time Detail, Expanded Time Detail, Daily Time Report, and Work Code Detail. These reports make it possible to more easily track, “who’s doing how much of what and when.”
To view a Time Sheet report, go to Admin – Agency Administration – View [desired report].
To view its Printer Friendly version, click the printer icon at the top of the screen.
What’s the best way to record sick, personal and/or vacation time within CurrentTrack?
First, create a Client folder for your agency. Next, open an in-house charges job for the respective month (e.g. “September 2016 In-House Charges” or “September 2016 Miscellaneous”).
Throughout the course of the given month, record any sick, personal, vacation or otherwise non-billable time against the job. At the end of the month, review the charges associated with the job, just in case something billable was wrongly recorded and enter a $0.00 Billing Entry. Close the job and open another for the following month.
An in-house charges job also becomes a great place to enter a P.O. for the company lunch, for example, or paper for the copier. And, any Tasks that need to be accomplished around the office (e.g. “Organize the software cabinet”) can easily be tracked within its Workback Schedule.