Modifications (5/2/13 - 9/3/13)
Clients & Jobs
[All Open Jobs] list sorting criteria modified (i.e. Job Type, Media Type)
Billing History linking option added to Task Comments pop-up box; [Manage] Workback Schedule
Blank P.O. Markup field treated as 1.00; math modified [Job] Financial Report
Client Notifications function modified
Comments function added to line items of Print Estimate
Document Template linking option added to Task Comments pop-up box; [Manage] Workback Schedule
Duplicate Time Breakdown header removed from [job] Financial Report
Export to Excel option added to [View] Workback Schedule screen
IO# column added to initial screen of Print Media Detail
[Job Edited] Message body wording modified
Print Media Detail error message wording modified
[Production Estimate] Net Cost calculation modified
[Production Estimate] Qty. calculation modified (‘0’) when Outsourced option un-checked
[Production Estimate] Unused line items hidden on View, Printer Friendly versions
Status & Tasks
[Pending Completed Tasks List] Job Number column added
Task Comments added to Export to Excel file [Task Lists]
Time & Expenses
Exception added for Overdue, same day Time Sheet completion with Sleeping Job
Time Sheet Description field widened
Ability to edit other Employees’ Media Details added [Permissions]
[Add Employee] extraneous whitespace characters removed from User Name field (default)
[Add Employee] “Notify me at the E-mail (Work) address specified above…” option added
Client, Job Title columns added to Manage Attachments results screen
Time Summary collapse function modified
Allotted Time column added to Daily, Weekly Calendar views