Modifications (1/31/13-5/1/13)
[Advanced Search] Address Book criteria modified
Clients & Jobs
Calendar pop-up boxes added to Broadcast, Print Media Details
Column alignment modified [Broadcast, Print Media Details]
Contextual printer-friendly page naming added
Demographic field moved from third to first screen [Broadcast Media Detail]
Email field expanded [Client Spec Sheet]
Insertion Order Vendor name added to [job] Documents Folder
[Job] Financial Report made exportable to Excel
Job Title(s) added to [View] Client Contact Report
Keyword(s) search function added to Vendor pop-up box
Reimbursements Breakdown sorted by Submitted date [[Job] Financial Report]
Station, Publication contact information added to Insertion Order
Status & Tasks
Due date added as secondary sorting criteria [Pending Completed Tasks List]
Sorting options, column header added [Completed Tasks List]
Time stamp(s) in Pending Completed Task List displayed in Workback Schedule
Ability to multi-select Clients added [Manage Insertion Orders]
Collapse [section] function added to Time Summary
Confirmation prompt added to Edit Employee screen
Monthly Billing Projections year span display modified
Name, User Name made required fields for Add/Edit Employee function
Order Results By drop-down menu modified [Manage Insertion Orders]
Subject column added to Manage Purchase Orders [results] screen