Modifications (1/1/17-4/26/17)


Billing Entry added to green + menu
[Calendar] Task time display changed to 12-hour format
Decimal place value modified in Budget vs. Actual Tracklet
Functionality added to [mobile] Agency Calendar
Pagination added to Unread, Read Messages boxes
[Quick Search] Results screen Client names changed to hotlinks
Task [due] Time added to Month Calendar display
[Tracklet] Budget vs. Actual column widths, Title wrapping modified


Ability to include table (e.g. XLS) in Job Description field added
[Advanced Search] Ability to edit filters on results screen added
[All Completed Jobs] Printer Friendly display modified
All Media Detail “Vendors” headers changed to read “Vendor”
[Client Contact Report] Multiple jobs > Save functionality modified
[Client Spec Sheet] Image dimensions added to error message
Description text moved below Budget on Job One Sheet
[Job] Financial Report Time Memo column moved to Expanded view
[Job] Over Budget Notification feature added
Parent, Sub-Job display and functionality modified
[Print] Comments option added to all document Printer Friendly views
[Print Insertion Order] “Station” headers changed to read “Publication”
[Production Estimate] Tax and Markup calculation display modified
[Sleeping Jobs screen] Parent, Sub-Job display modified
Task strikethrough display modified on [View] Workback Schedule screen
Warning message wording modified on Add Job screen


Ability to add time from Comment pop-up box added to Assigned Task List
Additional sort criteria added to Working Tasks List
Allotted time column added to Working Tasks List
Allowance for punctuation added to Working Tasks List Keyword search
“Are you sure…” prompt added to delete function of Personal To Do List
Custom Task List sort criteria modified
Due date and time added to Working Tasks List calendar view
Existing Time Sheet content displayed in clock pop-up boxes
Header alignment modified on Assigned Task List calendar view
Keyword search drop-down menu content modified [Working Tasks List]
Keyword search functionality expanded on Custom Task List
Requestor(s) column added to Working Tasks List
Working Tasks List Calendar view added
Working Tasks List display criteria modified


Time Sheet warning added for 24+ Hours


Ability to enter future Hire Date (up to 30 days) added
Agency Time Detail date display modified
Job Name added to Completed Time Sheet view screen
Sleeping column removed from Time Summary results [when only Active selected]
[Time Summary] Ability to de-select Clients added
Total Invoice Amount column added to Manage Purchase Orders results screen
[View Calendar] Permission structure modified
View [Job] Financial Report [Budget] Permissions modified
Work Category Rate display modified
Work Code Detail [Archived Work Codes] search criteria modified


[Client Interface] Status column terms capitalized
Modified column added to Client/Vendor Interface job display
Overall warning message wording modified
Trim added to Agency, Password fields of login screen