Getting Started
CurrentTrack® is a web-based project management suite. You’ll find it easy to use and intuitive in its design. Developed by a real-world agency, not by propeller-heads envisioning a brave new world, CurrentTrack was born of an agency’s own desperate need to get their workflow under control. We’ve thrown out modules that sounded good in theory but didn’t work in practice, and we’ve built-on and added capabilities users said made their lives easier. We’ll add more in the future, as users continue to offer suggestions. Please offer your own by clicking on the Suggest icon atop all CurrentTrack pages.
A word about security (because we know it’s on your mind)…
CurrentTrack is hosted by a leading service provider with secure data centers around the globe.
We employ the use of encrypted data transfer using HTTPS through SSL, unique user IDS and encrypted passwords and authenticated email address. User-based access control is provided throughout CurrentTrack to provide granular control over employee access levels. Encrypted backups are done on a nightly basis to ensure redundancy and reduce downtime in the event of a disaster.*
Your data is secure and strictly confidential.
*CurrentTrack backs up system data only. Files posted to CurrentTrack (e.g. .jpg, .gif, .pdf) are excluded from backup routines. CurrentTrack is not intended to serve as a backup point for creative files. Please continue using external methods to ensure asset redundancy.
This manual is primarily for the Traffic Manager and any others who have administrative responsibility for workflow. It contains detailed information about how CurrentTrack works, including functions most users won’t ever have to do, like entering Employee information and applying branding.
Every day, work flows in and out of your agency. Certainly, all new jobs should be entered into CurrentTrack, but whether or not you spend time entering old jobs is a much tougher decision. We recommend entering data for all presently working jobs that will remain open for three or more weeks. Allow other, shorter-term, jobs to close out in your present system.
It’s time real jobs start flowing through CurrentTrack. Ideally, one of your Account Executives has a new and relatively simple job on which little, if any, work has been done. A perfect first job would be something like a newspaper ad for an existing Client.
A detailed Help section is available within CurrentTrack. If you don’t find the answer to your question there, simply contact us via the “conversation bubble” icon, or call toll free 1.877.280.2392 and speak with a customer service representative.
Ultimately, CurrentTrack is only as good as the information that’s put into it. If your agency is conscientious about its use, it’ll save everyone considerable time and frustration. If data input and job management are haphazard, the results will be disappointing.
As you set up the system, we’re going to explain why we did certain things, and will occasionally show you alternatives. As you use CurrentTrack, keep in mind it’s designed to give you some flexibility in how you use it. Some agencies will choose to document and track even the smallest jobs and Tasks while others will settle on a looser, less-specific system of reporting. Ultimately, you need to find your own healthy balance, one that doesn’t unduly burden your staff yet still gives you significant returns on your investments of time and money.
We’ll try to help you by giving you background both on how the system works and how, in our experience, it works best. Assume these TIPs and Scenarios are starting points and then adjust CurrentTrack for the world where you work.
Before your suite was available, your agency filled out an electronic License Agreement containing basic Set-up Information such as your starting Purchase Order (P.O.) Number and system administrator’s name. This information was used by Developware to set up your database and grant you access. Even though we’ve gotten you started, there’s still a bit of data for you to enter. This manual will walk you through the set-up process. You’ll sign on, customize Site Branding, enter Employees and then start converting to CurrentTrack.
CurrentTrack has its own vocabulary, which we’ve tried as much as possible to align with standard advertising agency usage. Because not all agencies use the same lingo, we’ve included a detailed Glossary of Terms within the online Help section.