Custom Task List
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Available to Employees with Permission, the Custom Task List feature enables you to build a report that’s specific to your needs. And, it enables you to save the report for future use.
To create a Custom Task List, go to Status & Tasks — I Want To: Create Custom Task List.
First, indicate a Responsible Employee(s). Next, determine which Tasks, by Title, you’d like to see displayed (e.g. “Copy,” “Final approval,” “Materials to the publication,” etc.). Choose All Clients, a single Client or multiple Clients from the list.
Select a specific Job and/or Media Type(s), if applicable, and indicate which Status terms you’re seeking (e.g. Working, Complete). If you choose Complete, an additional date range option will appear just below the Status box — Completed between. If you choose Other, a text field for status terms (e.g. “Hold,” “Pending,” etc.) will appear. Next, enter the desired Due between date range and the Task(s) Priority level.
If you’d like to save your Custom Task List, for future use, check the box beside Save this List. Enter a List Name (e.g. Dawn’s Status Report) and indicate which other Employees within your agency can view the List; Submit.
Result page column headers can be clicked to re-sort the information. Clicking on a Client’s name will take you to their [active] Job Folders list while clicking on a job Title will take you to its respective Job One Sheet. You can easily navigate to documents associated with the job — Progress Reports, Change Orders, etc. — by entering its Documents Folder via the I Want To: drop-down menu on the Job One Sheet screen. To view a [job] Financial Report, click on the desired job Number.
To view Comments associated with a Task(s) on the Custom Task List, click the conversation bubble(s) in the right-hand column. If no bubbles are displayed, no Comments have been entered for the Task(s).
To view a Printer Friendly version of the List you’ve created, click on the printer icon located at the top of the screen. To export the contents of the List, click Export to Excel. The file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.
To edit a previously saved Custom Task List, go to Status & Tasks — I Want To: Create Custom Task List.
Within the Saved Task Lists section, at the bottom of the page, click Edit beside the desired List.
Changing the Name of the List will create an entirely new List. If you’re editing a typo, for example, remember to later delete the old List with the typo. Make any additional criteria changes to the List and click Submit.
To delete a previously saved Custom Task List, go to Status & Tasks — I Want To: Create Custom Task List.
Within the Saved Task Lists section, at the bottom of the page, click Delete. At the, “Are you certain that you want to delete this Custom Task List?” prompt, click OK.