Creating (and Managing) Vendors
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Vendors may be added to CurrentTrack® in two ways — via a Purchase Order (P.O.) or the Add Vendor link in the Vendor Address Book. You could accomplish this enormous data entry Task yourself, but your time could be better spent getting CurrentTrack in order and your agency on its way to successful job tracking. We recommend entering Vendors when P.O.s are created.
To add a Vendor from within the Purchase Order form, go to go to Clients & Jobs — Client — Job One Sheet — I Want To: Create Purchase Order. You can also click at the top of the screen.
From within the [Create] Purchase Order screen, click Add Vendor. Enter the Vendor’s Name, Tax Rate, contact information, et. al; click Submit. If you try to re-enter an existing Vendor, you’ll receive a warning. The same is true if the Vendor is added via the Add link of the Vendor Address Book.
TIP: List Keywords (e.g. web press, large format outputs, etc.) and keep them consistent (e.g. website vs. web site). The feature can later be used to reference these terms.
To add a Vendor via the Address Book, go to Address Books — I Want To: View Vendor Address Book.
Click on the Add Vendor link located at both the top and bottom of the page. Enter the Vendor’s Name, Tax Rate, contact information, et. al; click Submit. Once submitted, the information will be included in the Vendor Address Book and will also be accessible from within the Create Purchase Order screen.
TIP: List Keywords (e.g. web press, large format outputs, etc.) and keep them consistent (e.g. website vs. web site). The feature can later be used to reference these terms.
To Edit a Vendor’s information go to Address Books — I Want To: View Vendor Address Book.
Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Click the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range and then on the Vendor Name.
Vendors can be found, within CurrentTrack, via a number of different methods.
To locate a Vendor via their respective profile, go to Address Books — I Want To: View Vendor Address Book. Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Simply click the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range and then on “i” box to the right of the Vendor.
The Advanced Search feature, located in the top left corner of the screen, can also be used to find Vendors by Keywords (e.g. large-format outputs, office supplies, etc.).
Lastly, Vendors can be located by Contact name or Keyword(s), along with several other criteria, by going to Address Books — I Want To: View Vendor Address Book — Search Vendor Address Book.
To view a Printer Friendly version of the results screen, click the printer icon located at the top of the page.
Vendors, because they’re tied directly to P.O.s, cannot be deleted. They can, however, be archived.
To change a Vendor’s Status to Sleeping, go to Address Books — View Vendor Address Book.
Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Click the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range and then on the Vendor Name. Change their Status to Sleeping; click Submit. Once submitted, the Vendor will be removed from the Vendor drop-down menu within the Create Purchase Order screen and from them Vendor Address Book. The Vendor will, however, remain tied to any previously filed P.O.s and Print Estimates.
To View a list of Sleeping Vendors, go to Address Books — I Want To: View Sleeping Vendor Address Book.
To change a Vendor’s Status to Active, go to Address Books — I Want To: View Sleeping Vendor Address Book.
Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Click the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range and then on the Vendor Name. Change their Status to Active; click Submit.
Once submitted, the Vendor will appear in the Vendor drop-down menu within the Create Purchase Order screen and in the Vendor Address Book.
To export the contents of the Vendor Address Book, go to Address Books — I Want To: View [Vendor Address Book] — Export to Excel.
How can I enter a Quote Request for a Vendor in CurrentTrack?
A Progress Report titled, “Request for Quote” will work well as it’s automatically filed in the [job] Documents Folder. And, a PDF of its Printer Friendly version can be uploaded to the [job] Attachment Folder. When uploading the file, Make Viewable to Vendor and indicate an e-mail alert should be sent.
The Vendor can go to and log in using the information assigned to them. S(he) can download the document and provide Comments (perhaps even the quote itself) via its accompanying link. The Comments, along with the original Progress Report, will reside in the [job] Documents Folder.
Once the Vendor has downloaded the file, simply delete it from the [job] Attachments Folder by going to Clients & Jobs — Client — Job One Sheet — I Want To: Open Attachments Folder — Delete.
We don’t pay tax to Vendors, rather we bill it to the Client. How can I differentiate between the two in CurrentTrack?
A Purchase Order (P.O.) is entered for printing (e.g. $100), without the Tax box checked. The figure flows into the [job] Financial Report, with P.O. Gross calculated according to the Markup figure (e.g. 1.50) entered either in the Client’s Spec Sheet (i.e. “the default Markup rate”) or the P.O. itself (i.e. “the overwrite Markup”).
A separate, catch-all P.O. is created in the same job folder; Subject = Applicable Sales Tax, Vendor = The State of [YOUR STATE]. As each additional P.O. is entered against the job (e.g. more printing, stock photos, color outputs, etc.), the Applicable Sales Tax is added to the second, catch-all P.O. This ensures what’s billed to the agency by the Vendor and billed to the Client by the agency, both appear in the [job] Financial Report. Additionally, the Manage Purchase Orders interface enables the agency to see “how much sales tax has been paid to the state of Kentucky,” for example.