Assigned Task List
QuickTIPs (and Links) are highlighted in blue.
Permission-based items are highlighted in red.
System navigation is italicized.
CurrentTrack® generates an Assigned Task List for each Employee based on information entered by the Traffic Manager (and/or those with Permission to Manage Tasks). By default, the List reflects Tasks that are Overdue, due today and due 30 days out.
Your Assigned Task List can be viewed in two ways — via the Dashboard and Status Reports folder.
To view Tasks via your Dashboard, you must first add the Task List Tracklet.
To add a Tracklet, click Edit Tracklets, in the top, right corner of the screen. You’ll see two columns — Current Tracklets and Available Tracklets. Drag the items you’d like to add from the right- to the left-hand column. Organize the Current Tracklets in the order you’d like them to appear on your Dashboard by simply dragging the box(es) up or down; click Submit.
To view your Assigned Task List, via Status Reports, simply click the link on the left of the screen.
Overdue Tasks appear in red, at the top of your List, and will always be displayed regardless of the date range entered. If additional information has been associated with a Task, a small Comments bubble will appear to its far right. To sort the items on your Task List, click on the appropriate column header(s). Entering a date range, at the bottom of the List, will widen or narrow the number of Tasks displayed.
Click on the printer icon, located in the header bar at the top of the page, to view the Printer Friendly version of your Assigned Task List. The List can also be easily exported by going to Status Reports — [Assigned Task List] — I Want To: Export to Excel.
Tasks can be marked Complete in two different ways within CurrentTrack — via the Dashboard and the Assigned Task List.
From the Dashboard Task List Tracklet, check the box to the right of the completed Task(s). A comment area will appear; enter a comment and click Submit.
To view your Assigned Task List, via Status Reports, simply click the link on the left of the screen. To mark a Task compete, check its corresponding box, located to the left of its Due date. You’ll immediately be prompted to add Comments (e.g. “I gave the copy to Peggy” or “The layout is being routed now.”). Once you’ve clicked OK, the Task will appear on your List with a strikethrough. In addition, you’ll be asked if you’d like to record time against the Task; if Yes, click OK. If you’d like to skip recording time, simply click Cancel.
A Completed Task doesn’t directly affect the job’s Workback Schedule for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the Employee responsible for managing Tasks must first check to see that the work is truly Complete. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to include a type change on the layout or there’s additional information you must provide.
Once you’ve marked a Task Complete, it’ll remain on your Assigned Task List until the System Administrator (and/or those with Permission to Manage Tasks) either modifies its Workback Schedule or deems it incomplete. If a Task is incomplete, it’ll appear, without its previous strikethrough, on your Assigned Task List, along with any Comments from your administrator.
To help you track Tasks that fall outside of a job’s Workback Schedule (e.g. “Pick up light bulb for photo shoot”) CurrentTrack offers a Personal To-Do List option. Maintained by each individual Employee, the To-Do List can only be viewed and edited by its owner. It’s content won’t appear on any global Task reports.
To add an item to your Personal To-Do List, go to Status Reports — I Want To: Edit Personal To Do List.
Enter the Task, a Due Date and Time (if desired). If the Task can be tied to an Active Job Number, choose it from the drop-down menu. Next, enter any relevant Comments and assign a Priority (if applicable); click Submit.
Scroll to the bottom of your Assigned Task List to view what’s been added. Tasks on the To Do List can be sorted by Priority, Due date and Task name by clicking on the appropriate column header. To mark an item Complete, check the box beside the appropriate line item(s).
To delete an item from your Personal To Do List, go to Status Reports — I Want To: Edit Personal To-Do List.
Click the Clear Completed Items button. You’ll be returned to your Assigned Task List and the Completed item(s) will be removed.
Personal To Do List Items can also be viewed from within your CurrentTrack Calendar. The Calendar icon, located at the top of the screen, will take you to your Daily Calendar, by default. It contains three different categories of information — Events, Tasks and To-Do List Items.
Clicking on a Job link (if applicable), within the To Do section of your Daily Calendar, will take you to its Workback Schedule. You may also view the Details associated with the Item by clicking on the box to the right of the Responsible column. To view your entire Personal To-Do List, click on the Full Personal To Do List link located at the top of the box. To view a Printer Friendly version of your Daily Calendar, simply click on the printer icon located at the top of the page.