All Open Jobs List
QuickTIPs (and Links) are highlighted in blue.
Permission-based items are highlighted in red.
System navigation is italicized.
The All Open Jobs list is an important tool for monitoring the volume of projects moving through your agency.
To view the All Open Jobs list, go to Clients & Jobs — I Want To: View All Open Jobs.
TIP: If you’re an agency principal, use the All Open Jobs list to monitor the overall activity of your Clients.
The information found in the Open Jobs List, by default, is sorted first by Client and then numerically by job Number. To view the List according to the dates the jobs were Opened, for example, click on the Opened column header. To return to the default view, click on the Client header.
To narrow the list to a specific date range, simply enter alternate dates from and to, under Application Options, at the top of the screen. You can also select a Job and/or Media Type(s); click Submit.
As with the Master and Working Tasks Lists, clicking on a Client name will take you to the Active Jobs folder of the respective Client, while clicking on a Job Title will take you to the Job One Sheet. Each Job Number link will display the Financial Report.
TIP: To view documents associated with a job, click on the Job Title and open its Documents Folder via the I Want To: drop-down menu.
To view a Printer Friendly version of the Open Jobs List, click on the printer icon located at the top of the page.