Agency Time Detail


QuickTIPs (and Links) are highlighted in blue.

Permission-based items are highlighted in red.

System navigation is italicized.


CurrentTrack® contains a number of time reports that enable those with Permission to monitor “who’s doing how much of what (and when)” within your agency. Among those reports is the Agency Time Detail.

To create an Agency Time Detail, go to Admin — Agency Administration — Create Agency Time Detail.

Choose a Client from the drop-down menu or, to see time information for all Clients, simply leave the default selection in the menu. Next, enter a Date from and a Date to; click Submit.

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On the following screen of the Detail, you’ll see an overview of the number of Jobs your Employees have worked on for the Client(s) indicated, as well as the total Hours and their associated dollar figures. To view an individual Employee’s information, click on his/her name.

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Click on a date, on the next screen, to view the Employee’s entire Time Sheet for respective day. Clicking on a Job Title will take you to the respective Job One Sheet. To see its Financial Report, click the corresponding job Number.

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To view a Printer Friendly version of the Agency Time Detail, click on the printer icon located at the top of the page. The Detail can be easily exported by clicking the Export to Excel button. The file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.