Address Books


QuickTIPs (and Links) are highlighted in blue.

Permission-based items are highlighted in red.

System navigation is italicized.


Address Books contain all Employee, Client and Vendor contact names, addresses and phone numbers.

To view an Address Book, go to Address Books — View [Address Book].

Column headers within each Book are hotlinks, enabling you to re-organize the data either alphabetically or numerically according to what’s contained in the column — for example, Name, Ext. (Extension) and Hired within the Employee Address Book.


There are two separate Books available. The first, the Employee Address Book, contains information for your Active Employees. The second, the Gone Employee Address Book, contains information for Employees who are no longer with your agency. Entries in either Book may be edited in one of two ways — by the Employee or by someone with Permission to Edit Employee (e.g. System Administrator).

To edit your own information, simply go to Administration — Edit Personal Information.

TIP: Complete the E-mail Internal field and check the Notify box(es), at the bottom of the page, if you’d like to receive Messages outside of CurrentTrack.

To edit another Employee’s information, go to Administration — Agency Administration — Edit Employees. Choose the Employee from the Full Name column by clicking on his/her name. Make any necessary modifications and click Submit.

TIP: Don’t worry about distributing a paper phone list every time there’s a new hire. Tell everyone to refer to the online Employee Address Book.

To view a Printer Friendly version of the Address Book, click on the desired alpha-range then on the printer icon located at the top of the screen. To export the contents of the Book, click Export to Excel. The file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.


Vendors may be added to CurrentTrack in two ways via a Purchase Order (P.O.) or the Add Vendor link within the Vendor Address Book.

To add a Vendor from within the P.O. form, go to go to Clients & Jobs Client Job One Sheet  I Want To: Create Purchase Order. You can also click  at the top of the screen. From within the [Create] Purchase Order screen, click Add Vendor. Enter the Vendor’s Name, Tax Rate, contact information, et. al; click Submit. If you try to re-enter an existing Vendor, you’ll receive a warning. The same is true if the Vendor is added via the Add link of the Vendor Address Book.

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TIP: List Keywords (e.g. web press, large format outputs, etc.) and keep them consistent (e.g. website vs. web site). The feature can later be used to reference these terms.

To add a Vendor via the Address Book, go to Address Books — I Want To: View Vendor Address Book. Click on the Add Vendor link located at both the top and bottom of the page. Enter the Vendor’s Name, Tax Rate, contact information, et. al; click Submit. Once submitted, the information will be included in the Vendor Address Book and will also be accessible from within the Create Purchase Order screen.

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To Edit a Vendor’s information, or change their Status to Sleeping, go to Address Books  I Want To: View Vendor Address Book. Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Click the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range and then on the Vendor Name. If you no longer work with a Vendor, change their Status to Sleeping. They’ll be removed from the Vendor pop-up box and (active) Address Book, but remain tied to all previously filed P.O.s and Print Estimates.

To View a list of Sleeping Vendors, go to Address Books I Want To: View Sleeping Vendor Address Book.

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To view a Printer Friendly version of the Address Book, click on the desired alpha-range then on the printer icon located at the top of the screen. To export the contents of the Book, click Export to Excel. The file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.

TIP: Use the Search feature to find Vendors according to their Keywords (e.g. large-format outputs, office supplies, etc.).


There are two types of Client Address Books. The first contains information for your Active Clients while the second — the Sleeping Client Address Book — contains information for Client’s you no longer work with. Both reflect a portion of the information found in Clients’ overall Spec Sheets. Entries have been paged-out to make navigation easier. Click on the appropriate alpha (or numeric) range. To view a Client’s full Spec Sheet, click on their name in the Client column.

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To edit a Client’s information, go to Clients & Jobs — Client — I Want To: Edit Client Spec Sheet. Make any necessary modifications and click Submit.

To view a Printer Friendly version of the Address Book, click on the desired alpha-range then on the printer icon located at the top of the screen. To export the contents of the Book, click Export to Excel. The file, in .xls format, will automatically download to your desktop.